Automatic Water Filter Keeps Drippers Dripping
The Blasi Family has been supplying grapes for the production of Chadeneur and Zenfidale wines since the mid 1950s from their farm in Santa Rosa, Ca. Second generation cultivators Bob and Gary run the 109-acre farm, of which 75 acres are grapes. The farm has a well that dispenses the 200 gpm used for the irrigation system. The Blasis converted the system from sprinkler to drip, a change that required much cleaner water.
“We're very happy with the solution Orival provided us. It requires minimal supervision and keeps our grapes healthy.”
Like most wells, the Blasi's well contains silt, sand, algae, and microbiological growth. While flowing through the pipe, the water may pick up rust, iron chips, scale and other corrosion byproducts.Together, these dirt particles clog the drip system and impair the flow through the drippers.
A clog in a dripper may not be noticed until the grapes are ruined due to starvation. For years, the Blasis used a manual filter that required constant attention and maintenance. When the manual filter got clogged it slowed the drip system's flow and even cut the flow off entirely, destroying the Blasi's crops.
Four years ago, the Blasis started looking for a filter that would be fully automatic and maintenance-free. They wanted a filter to handle particles of any specific gravity at variable flow rates and pressures without requiring an external power source. A water sample was sent to Orival for evaluation. Their engineering group recommended a 4” ORI-04-PE with 120 mesh and a 9-volt battery powered Omnitrol 100 Controller. Kevin Hare of Grower Supply performed the startup for the Blasis and said the controller was so user-friendly that “the startup was a snap, and when 30 PSI minimum pressure is maintained, the filter works like charm.”
Since its installations in March of 2001, the Orival filter has worked efficiently and without maintenance. The 9-volt batteries are routinely changed once every 6 months. The manual filter is no longer needed because the Orival filter channels clean water through unclogged pathways in the drip system. “We're very happy with the solution Orival provided us, “Bob said. “It requires minimal supervision and keeps our grapes healthy.”